Smart & Sexy Summer Reads (for the perfect mental vacation!)


Hello, my radiant readers! All this month, we’ve talked about how to make the most of your time outdoors this summer. We’ve covered where to go on vacation, new activities to try (SUP, y’all) and how to keep your body protected while you’re at it. Now I want to turn our attention to your mind. […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Hello, my radiant readers!

All this month, we’ve talked about how to make the most of your time outdoors this summer. We’ve covered where to go on vacation, new activities to try (SUP, y’all) and how to keep your body protected while you’re at it. Now I want to turn our attention to your mind.

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you just want to spend the day relaxing on the beach (or in the park, in a hammock, wherever!), soaking up some sun with a good book or two. The perfect mental vacation!

After all, reading is sexy! AND it’s good for your health too.

Reading increases blood flow and exercises your brain, helping to prevent cognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. Plus, all those fiction novels can actually help you think more creatively and make quicker, better decisions.

With May also being Mental Health Awareness Month, it’s a good time to mention that reading is also good for your mental health, cultivating empathy, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Now, there is no shortage of summer reading lists available, but when I want to find a good book, I get recommendations from my friends or favorite like-minded celebs and gurus.

So, I’ve compiled a book list for you with a twist – recommendations from both me and some of my favorite authors who recently shared a peek at their bookshelves online.

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown

It’s really hard to choose just one of Brené Brown’s books above the rest because they’re all so compelling, but this one is a literary sensation. The title is taken from a quote by Teddy Roosevelt that encompasses her work on vulnerability and the courage to live authentically. Human beings are imperfect; we make mistakes, lots of them! What matters is our willingness to shake off the self-doubt and judgement and get back in the arena. So stand tall, sister!

(P.S. You can check out Brené’s own words about which of her many books to read first here.)

Brené’s Recommendation:
How to Walk Away: A Novel  by Katherine Center

This novel focuses on Margaret Jacobsen, a young woman at the precipice of a seemingly picture-perfect life, until one tragic moment changes everything. It’s a character study in overcoming obstacles and handling the roller coaster of real life, and critics have praised Center’s honest and hopeful story. Brené’s own succinct review? “Buy. Binge read. You’re welcome.” 😉


You Do You: How to Be Who You Are and Use What You’ve Got to Get What You Want (A No F*cks Given Guide) by Sarah Knight

If Brené is like the mama bear of being authentically you, Sarah is like the sassy older sister who takes no $h*t. Her advice is simple – it’s time to put you and your happiness first and stop worrying about what other people think about it. In fact, you’re doing them a disservice by not sharing your unique, badass self.  

Sarah’s Recommendation:
The Favorite Sister by Jessica Knoll

This novel is the latest from the New York Times bestselling author of “Luckiest Girl Alive”. Sarah called this book a “dark, juicy, funny, wickedly intelligent new novel about women, ambition, murder, and reality TV.” Sounds like a great beach read!


Material Girl, Mystical World: The Now Age Guide to a High Vibe Life by Ruby Warrington

Doesn’t this title just make you want to start singing the Madonna tune? Don’t let the neon pink cover fool you, this guidebook / memoir offers serious and practical tips to merge spirituality with a modern, fabulous life. Plus, Ruby really walks her walk, as the founder of the popular website The Numinous, which showcases “a new generation of modern mystics bridging the gap between the mystical and the mainstream”.

Spend a little time this summer soaking in the sun and radiating your own light back out to the Universe.

Ruby’s Recommendation:
Applied Empathy: The New Language of Leadership by Michael Ventura

Empathy is an essential leadership skill, especially in today’s political and economic climate, and in this non-fiction book, covers seven different types of business empath. You’ll learn which one you are, how to utilize your strengths to expand your career or business, and how to work with all the models to create a team in perfect harmony.


Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Most people know Elizabeth Gilbert from the successful book “Eat, Pray, Love” and the film based on it, but she also closely examines what it means to be a creative artist. In “Big Magic”, she dives deep into where inspiration comes from and how to enjoy the process of creative work. In between funny and insightful stories, she offers empowering advice for fellow artists to follow your dreams courageously and tenaciously to fruition.

Elizabeth’s Recommendation:
Anatomy of a Miracle: A Novel*  by Jonathan Miles

This novel tells the story of a paralyzed American veteran who is miraculously able to walk again after years in a wheelchair, much to everyone’s surprise and debate. Elizabeth calls the book (from one of her favorite authors) “a robust and powerful story about humanity, hope, loss, and courage.”



Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, and Live Like You Mean It! by Kris Carr et al.

Kris Carr is hands down one of my favorites. She’s a best-selling author, documentarian, wellness activist and cancer thriver. In this fun and funky book, she lays out her low-glycemic, vegetarian diet plan, which is simple and delicious. It’s chock-full of so much awesome information! Plus, there are lots of glorious smoothie recipes to boot, and you know how I love a good green smoothie!

Kris’s Recommendation:
Dodging Energy Vampires: An Empath’s Guide to Evading Relationships That Drain You and Restoring Your Health and Power by Christiane Northrup M.D.

Speaking of being empathetic, when you’re highly sensitive, you need to detox your life of the relationships that are no longer serving you or that damage your physical and mental health. We all know at least one person who we avoid spending time with because we feel depleted afterwards, right? Well, this guidebook helps you identify those energy vampires, set healthy boundaries, and take back your energy.


BONUS: The Perfect Mother by Aimee Molloy

This book seems to be recommended almost everywhere, so I had to include it. It will quite possibly be this summer’s “Girl on a Train” or “Gone Girl”, and it’s already being made into a movie with Kerry Washington.

It focuses on a group of Brooklyn mothers whose lives become unexpectedly turned upside down when one of their babies goes missing. If you were a fan of Big Little Lies, this psychological thriller is filled with juicy secrets and female power dynamics.

Now it’s your turn. What books are in your beach bag this summer? When you need inspiration or empowerment, which authors do you turn to?

Let me know in the comments below, and we’ll compile a Plante Life Reader Recommendation List!

LOVE + happy reading!


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