We’ve been talking all month about shifting energy and how this particular moment in time is ripe for big, bold changes in our lives—and the world. But the collective energy in the world right now—thanks to a pandemic, politics, the economy, etc—can also be really friggin’ intense. It can definitely have a negative impact on how we feel day to day.
It can be a real struggle to not get swept up in the never-ending news cycle and doom scrolling on social media. It can induce anxiety, spike your adrenaline and overload your mind and senses. So you need ways to process and protect yourself from being sucked into the overwhelming noise of the world.
These past few weeks have been valuable reminders that I have all the tools I need to move energy; I just actually gotta get off my butt and use them! Since I see a lot of stuck, stagnant energy with my clients too, I thought I’d share a variety of ways—not just one fall-back method—that will help your body, mind and spirit get the TLC it needs without you getting bored.
So I’ve put together a quick list of 25 energy shifting activities to put into practice the next time you need to shake off some stress.
Before we dive in…
As a coach and artist, I really try to be very intentional about embracing my feelings no matter what and not using crutches to like food, alcohol, social media to cover them up. But hey, I’m only human. I get pulled into the same funks that everyone else does. And I have certainly indulged more than a few times—even when I know I shouldn’t!
Especially for us creative people, we can be very empathic and take on a lot of the energy around us. Don’t beat yourself up if your track record on coping isn’t picture-perfect. Just post this list of healthy alternatives somewhere you’ll see it whenever the urge to cover up your emotions or hide from the world creeps in.

25 Energy Shifting Activities For Healthy Stress Relief
1) Sing a song, LOUD! Or YELL, HOWL and SCREAM! Take the benefits of singing, and give them a deep, primal twist.
2) Have an impromptu dance party.💃 Doesn’t matter if you’re doing the waltz, or you’re twerking—moving your body to music can be restorative and invigorating. Dance it out in your living room, or wherever you’re comfortable. This is like combining the healing powers of breath and physical activity all in one!
3) Do an inversion of some type, like a handstand or simply bend at the waist and let the blood flow to your head. Lay on your back with your legs extended to the sky, and get that energy moving around your physical body.
4) Take a walk in nature. Being in contact with the earth just makes you feel better. Be among the trees, rivers, beaches, meadows, or wherever sets you right again. Get your bare feet in the grass, dirt or sand for some free grounding.
5) Try some deep belly breathing with one hand on your heart and the other on your stomach—do this for at least 10 breaths. Or try these other techniques…
Breath of Fire
Lion’s Breath
Alternate Nostril Breathing
6) Listen to an uplifting podcast or audio book (no news!)
7) Meditation, always meditation.
8) Try some gentle yoga poses for more mental/emotional grounding.
9) Do a sweaty HIIT workout to detox that stale/stuck energy.
10) Light candles and incense (then meditate 🙂)
11) Enjoy a hot bath or shower to literally wash away the bad energy!
12) Pray, whatever this looks like to you 🙏🏼
13) Read a favorite book. And actual book 🙂
14) Give yourself a mani/pedi.
15) Watch a movie that uplifts you and makes you laugh, like one of your old favorites.
16) Journal. Or if that’s too daunting, just make a Gratitude List of 3-5 things you’re grateful for, and then maybe even dig into one of them and write WHY you’re grateful for it.
17) Sip warm water with lemon.
18) Brew tea and make your own personal ritual out of it.
19) Give yourself a facial or put on a face mask (and do your nails!)
20) Dab essential oils on your wrists and the bottoms of your feet.
21) Paint, draw, craft, knit, anything creative.
22) Cook a nourishing meal for yourself, your family, and/or your friends.
23) Discover a new recipe on Pinterest or a food blogger site and test it out.
24) Take a digital detox for a few hours. Turn your phone on airplane mode. Shut off the TV and just be.
25) Nap! Multiply this by making some tea, using some essential oils and then taking a nap!
Any one of these seemingly simple actions will shift whatever negative energy might be creeping in—or just shift your energy as you move from one task to another and you need to shift your perspective. Like when you’re going from work mode into mom mode, or when you’re shifting into your nighttime routine.
I hope this list is helpful to you! Mix and match any of these that you’d like, when you feel the need to get things flowing again. What else should be on this list? Which one are you going to try this weekend?
Let me know in The Badass Beauty Club, and join me every Friday at 9AM for a Facebook LIVE discussion.
LOVE + energetic boundaries!

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