The Power of Crystals to Rock Your World

Mindset + Motivation

Hello, my sparkly gems! We spent a lot of time over the past few weeks discussing how you can use natural ingredients, minerals and oils in elixirs, masks and mixtures to absorb their benefits in your body. But what about those elements that are pretty solid on their own? I’m talking about healing stones and […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Hello, my sparkly gems!

We spent a lot of time over the past few weeks discussing how you can use natural ingredients, minerals and oils in elixirs, masks and mixtures to absorb their benefits in your body. But what about those elements that are pretty solid on their own?

I’m talking about healing stones and crystals.

You have probably seen one or two friends carrying around some smooth, colorful stones or maybe a crystal wand or two on a desk at work. They aren’t just doing it for aesthetics; there’s a powerful alternative science behind it.

If you’re not already on the crystal train, you’re missing out on some serious good vibes that can help you attract abundance, clarity and creativity into your life.

Here’s the 411 on why and how to rock your world with the power of crystals.

Why You Should Rock Out

If we can sync our menstrual periods with the moon, why is it so far-fetched to think we could sync our energy up with the Earth?

Healing stones are “tangible, physical forms that have powerful vibrations” from the Earth. By connecting with this energy (through keeping stones on your body or in your environment), you can add a powerful boost to any intentions or goals you’re trying to manifest.

Similarly, crystals, such as clear quartz, have been used in ancient rituals and talismans for centuries. They appear in Chinese medicine practices and mystical Japanese fortune telling. The Egyptian’s often used them in burial sites (and the stunning lapis lazuli for Cleopatra’s eyeshadow!). The Greeks even rubbed crushed hematite on soldiers before battle because they believed it made them invincible. And the power of crystals and stones are an invaluable element in Ayurvedic medicine.

With all that wealth of knowledge passed down for generations, this practice isn’t just another old wives tale or superstition.

Crystalize Your Vision

It simply starts with your intention. Where in your life right now do you need a little support? Did you just start a new job? Or end a relationship? Do you have a big, scary event coming up? Whatever it is that you need help with, there is a stone with the corresponding positive energy.

You can harness the power of crystals and stones in a few simple ways: by wearing them on your body, keeping them in your home, and holding them while you’re reflecting on your intentions with gratitude for their help in manifesting your desires.

Here are my Top 5 beginner stones:

Black Tourmaline – This shiny, black crystal is a super-charged energy purifier. In addition to deflecting negativity like a bouncer at a club, it can also help you release old behavior patterns that no longer serve you. I love to put this on my desk by my computer to ward off any unwanted energy from technology. Now if it can only clear my SPAM emails… 😉

Carnelian Stone – This creativity booster looks like pure sunshine. If you’re up against a work deadline or experiencing a case of writer’s block, this is the mental cobweb clearer for you. Carnelian induces “a rush of vibrancy within the sacred chakra to bring forth your inner star,” so wear it as a necklace or in a pouch near your third chakra (at the bottom of your ribcage).

Amethyst – Amethyst is an easy crystal to begin with because you often see it in home decor. Aside from its gorgeous composition and deep purple hue, it’s a great choice for spiritual protection, inner strength and stress relief. I keep a nice big chunk of Amethyst in my meditation corner. It also happens to be my birthstone so it’s a win-win! You can also hold it while meditating to help balance your body and soul.

(For more tips on how to create a sacred space in your home for you AND your crystals, click here.)

Citrine – This joyful stone is “one of the most powerful stones for manifestation” because it doesn’t absorb negative vibes. Instead, it emits sunshine (almost literally as you can power it up like Super Mario in the sun’s rays!). I love the idea of placing a piece of citrine on top of your manifestation list like a positive force field. Consider it like your cosmic cheerleader.

Quartz – If you’re in need of a little guidance and inner wisdom to decide what crystal or stone to start with, consider a quartz. It’s extremely abundant (it’s 12% of the Earth’s crust) and it’s already used in tons of our technology, so we have a long history of harnessing its power. 😉

There are a lot of different types of quartz crystal. Rose quartz aligns with your heart chakra and provides emotional TLC. This one would be good for after a bad breakup or whenever you need a reminder of the power of self-love. You can easily wear it on your wrist in a bracelet.

For deep enlightenment, you can place clear quartz over your third eye while meditating or during Shavasana at the end of your yoga practice. This versatile stone magnifies the vibrations of what surround it, giving your intentions a signal boost to the Universe.

Clear The Way

Just like a vacuum that sucks up dirt needs to be cleaned out, crystals and stones that suck up negative energy need to be cleared. Check out this video on how to cleanse and charge your crystals at home. You can also soak (some of) them overnight in a salt bath (see video above) or cleanse the air around them with burning sage. And you can use other crystals to clear one another, like clear quartz or selenite.

There are SO many crystals and stones to choose from, so if you’re ready to add some mineral manifestation mojo to your life, visit your local crystal shop. It’s important to hold the stone in your hands before you purchase it and be aware of any physical sensations you experience – like heat, a chill, mental clarity, etc.

Just like we get feelings about new people we meet, your body and spirit will help point you in the right direction to the healing stone that will rock your world. (If you can’t find a shop near you, here’s a fun online guide to help you pick a stone.)

Do you already use crystals and stones to pump up the volume on your intentions? Which are your favorites? What have you experienced using them?

Let me know in the comments below or tag me in a pic of your crystal collection on Instagram.

LOVE + mystic crystal revelations!


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