My Top Three Holiday Stress Survival Strategies


Hello my festive friends! Holidays are supposed to be happy times, right? But let’s face it, sometimes the most wonderful time of year doesn’t feel so wonderful. You know what I’m talking about. This time of year is filled with extra obligations. Shopping, the crowds, the wrapping, cooking, decorating, sending cards, packing, traveling, endless conversations […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Hello my festive friends!

Holidays are supposed to be happy times, right? But let’s face it, sometimes the most wonderful time of year doesn’t feel so wonderful.

You know what I’m talking about. This time of year is filled with extra obligations. Shopping, the crowds, the wrapping, cooking, decorating, sending cards, packing, traveling, endless conversations with relatives, back to back diet-busting parties, getting ready to attend said parties = stress, stress and more stress!

And if not managed properly, stress can have some serious long term effects.

Here are just a few of the ways stress can wreak havoc on your holidays.

First, stress can have you tossing and turning all night. Sleep is an essential bodily function, so sleep deprivation and insomnia can cause some pretty scary side effects. According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, it can “affect judgment, mood, ability to learn and retain information, and may increase the risk of serious accidents and injury.”

Stress makes the body secrete the stress hormone cortisol, which increases your appetite. It’s not quite clear why, but this makes the body crave foods high in sugar (carbohydrates) and fat. It could be related to high insulin levels or to another hormone called ghrelin, which controls hunger.

Either way, it totally sucks the happy out of your holiday, because stress messes with your hormone levels to a point where you’ll feel like you just can’t stop eating! And being around all those buffets of cookies and pies is a recipe for disaster.

And like sugar, stress makes you look older. It causes frown lines, dryness and dullness which all contribute to much older-looking skin. It can even cause rashes or intensify conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Oh joy!

Stress can even cause hair loss! During times of extreme strain, the body shuts down production of new hairs to focus on more essential body functions. As hair falls out during its normal cycle, it does not grow back immediately and can take several months to start growing again. And sometimes hair loss is not immediately noticeable during those stressful times, but once it is, it can feel like it’ll be next Christmas by the time your hair returns to normal.

Finally, and possibly most distressing – long-term stress can not only lead to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, but also increases your risk of heart disease and stroke, according to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation.

So to help keep your holidays happy and harmonious, here are my top three tips to help shake off the stress and chill out during the coziest time of the year.

Cause let’s be clear, Plante Lifers, it’s not about just surviving these stressful, hectic times, it’s about thriving.

Number 1: Schedule In Self Care!

It’s okay to ask for some alone time. I repeat: it’s okay to ask for some alone time.

Don’t worry so much about everyone else’s feelings; you being nourished and rejuvenated is going to be beneficial for everyone. You’ll be more “in the moment” when you are with friends and family and more loving and fun to be around. So consider it like an extra present for everyone!

Schedule time for a walk on the beach or out in nature. Get a massage or even take a nap!

If you can, schedule in time for exercise too. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins in the brain which function as a natural painkiller, boosting your mood and reducing feelings of anxiety and stress.

Number 2: If You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get.

The holiday season is particularly stressful when you have too much on your plate.

If your family is filling up your whole calendar with get-togethers and parties and making it work has you on the brink of a meltdown, it’s perfectly okay for you to check regrets on a few RSVPs. Space things out, and let them know you’ll make the next one.

If you’re hosting out-of-town guests and/or family festivities, remember that everything doesn’t have to be perfect. And this doesn’t have to be a one man show! Delegate and get everyone involved. You don’t have to prepare the entire meal by yourself; instead, ask everyone to bring a special dish.

The same applies for YOU over-scheduling yourself! This is my biggie – FOMO. We feel like we’re going to miss out on something important by not going to every party. You don’t necessarily have to cancel your plans, but make sure you’re not setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. (P.S. If hosting an event at your home feels like too much, don’t do it!! You know, life goes on!)

Take all the time you need to take care of yourself – know your limitations and understand that sometimes the best thing we can do is say NO.

Number 3: Stop SHOULDING All Over Yourself!

It’s time to let go of the idea that your holiday will ever be picture-perfect. Once you kick that impractical notion to the curb, you’ll be able to enjoy the time for all that it actually is.

Those pressure-filled “shoulds” that create stress, conflict and resentment are not invited to the party— “we should all get along,” “we should all have fun,” “everyone should come home for the holidays,” “we should all give gifts…” and the list goes on… and on and on. It’s our attachment to how we think things should be that causes the majority of our holiday stress. If you let go of unrealistic expectations and allow yourself to enjoy things just as they are, you’ll also allow yourself to enjoy each other’s company and have some real holiday cheer.

Are the holidays getting you down or stressing you out? Which of these tips can you start implementing right away? Or, if you have some rockin’ ideas of your own, let me know in the comments below.


LOVE + keeping your holiday cool!







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