Preventing Breast Cancer Naturally

Health & Wellness

Just like everything else on and in our bods, our breasts are unique. Some of us have more fibrous breasts than others and that tough tissue can mask lumps. Some of us have more nodules in our breasts or lipomas, slow-growing fatty deposits that can move around, that may appear suspicious but end up being […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Just like everything else on and in our bods, our breasts are unique. Some of us have more fibrous breasts than others and that tough tissue can mask lumps. Some of us have more nodules in our breasts or lipomas, slow-growing fatty deposits that can move around, that may appear suspicious but end up being benign. Or if you’re on hormone replacement therapy or pregnant, it can affect your breast tissue. So it’s important to get familiar with the landscape of your chest, and to make sure your partner is aware too, as many lumps are discovered by accident. Let’s talking about preventing breast cancer naturally.

There are so many resources at your disposal to show you how to do your own thorough self exam. Perform your exam in front of the mirror or lying down with your arm over your shoulder. I personally move up and down with two or three fingers and then in a circular motion. Don’t forget to check all the way under your armpits; there are glands and lymph nodes located there too. Squeeze your nipple slightly to check for pain or discharge, which is a huge sign something is amuck.


Angelina Jolie’s preventive double mastectomy in 2015 brought global awareness to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and the simple blood test that detects whether you’ve inherited a mutated version. These genes produce tumor suppressor proteins, and when mutated, they increase your risk of developing female breast and ovarian cancers.  Jolie lost her mother, grandmother and aunt to cancer. When the test revealed she carried the gene, her estimated risk for developing breast cancer was 87 percent and 50 percent for developing ovarian cancer.

While the decision to have elective surgery because of the test results is personal and still somewhat controversial, my opinion is that if you have a history of breast cancer in your family and think you’re predisposed to it, why not at least get tested? Knowledge is power. The more you know, the better you can prepare.

Just remember that not having the genetic mutation does not mean you’re off the hook for taking care of your body. Most women who develop breast cancer do not even carry the mutated gene.


In fact, the top three lifestyle choices that increase your risk of breast cancer are your diet, your weight and your level of exercise. Now is the time to start taking better care of yourself and get on the path to a healthier future, especially if you’re inherently at risk.

Cut sugar and processed foods from your diet. Eat organic. Reduce your alcohol consumption to no more than one drink a day. Detox your home and beauty products of harmful chemicals. Practice regular self care. Get moving with consistent exercise. Don’t wait. To quote Karen Lamb, “A year from now you will wish you had started today.”

And again, get educated! Most of us know a friend, relative or loved one who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Knowing more about this disease, its effects and how to better prevent it will not only help you be a more compassionate shoulder to lean on during treatment, but a supportive ally for the lifestyle changes that are a big part of the recovery process.


Finally, if you’re interested in getting involved in supporting breast cancer survivors and research, my favorite organization is Boarding for Breast Cancer (B4BC). They are a non-profit foundation that advocates early detection and a healthy, active, and sustainable lifestyle as the best means for breast cancer prevention. I know the founders personally and have taught at their Chasing Sunshine Survivor Retreats, which connects survivors with nature-based wellness experiences, so I can vouch that they are a badass group of people.

Now in their 21st year, B4BC is all about empowering young women to be their own best advocate and equipping them with the tools to reduce their cancer risks. Their app has been the top-rated breast cancer app the past two years (2015 and 2016), and it gives you alarms for when and how to check your boobies. Plus, their website is full of wonderful educational and preventative resources.

And I adore their mantra: Early Detection + Healthy, Active Lifestyle = Best Prevention.

So, check out their website to learn about opportunities to volunteer, fundraise, donate or just attend their skating, surfing or snowboarding charity events.


Now, I am aware that I have gone on ad nauseam about preventative care this month, but that is because it is SO EASY to feel like you’re invincible when you’re young. I myself have fallen into that trap, and then suddenly, a best friend has cancer or a family member. It makes you realize how important it is to not put off taking care of yourself.

Healthy living and wellness is not just about losing weight and looking great. It’s about preventing disease.

Weight loss is a lovely byproduct of this process, for sure. But it’s about discovering what your body needs and how to give it to yourself with joy and without guilt. When you clean up your diet, your environment and your mental space, you will naturally see your body functioning at a higher, brighter level. 

LOVE + healthy ta-tas!

Moniqua Plante

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