How Every Actor Can Become A Spiritual Badass

Mindset + Motivation

Spirituality is an integral part of how we ground ourselves and open up to receive the creative gifts the universe wants to give us. 



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Do you know what really feeds you, body and soul? I’m talking about the real nourishment that feeds you—your relationships, self-care,  physical movement, work life, and the godmother of them all, your spirituality. I call these Vital Foods and they can affect your physical and mental health in a big way. Today, we’re taking a dive deep into one of the most important Vital Foods—your spirituality and how every actor can become a spiritual badass!

Now, when I say spirituality, I don’t mean religion.

While the two can certainly be connected, to me, religion is often something people are born into and more centered around a community, while I think of spirituality as how YOU specifically relate to what you believe in, no matter what that is.

Spirituality is your direct connection to the Divine.

It is a process of communication we develop as we grow as human beings. This includes how we treat others and view our own purpose on this planet. And it is an integral part of how we ground ourselves and open up to receive the creative gifts the universe wants to give us. 

And yes, I mean gifts!

So, are you taking time on a daily basis to tune in to that divinity? How do you listen to its message? Or is it getting drowned out by auditions, acting classes and meetings? 

How do you respond to what you hear?

To nurture your spiritual health (and become a spiritual badass) involves stepping out of your body and mind to get in touch with what matters most to you personally. It’s the path to aligning with your truest self. 

And it is keenly connected to your physical and mental states. Which is why it’s so important and what I think of as the most vital of the Vital Foods.

When our spirit is healthy, our body is healthy. Our relationships are strong and loving. Our work life is fulfilling. Our brain is focused, and our thoughts are clear.

And this isn’t just lip service or woo-woo talk! This stuff is backed by scientific study after study. A strong sense of spirituality has also been proven to improve the mindset of people struggling with heavy stress, grief, and illness.

I want to share with you a few of my go-to spiritual tools to help you cultivate your own practice of connection, and each one has been proven to improve your overall health and wellbeing—and help you be more creative, on your game and a better performer. 

Get ready to become the spiritual badass you’re meant to be!

1) Clear Your Mind With Meditation

Number 1 for a reason, meditation is hands down the simplest way to embrace and become a spiritual badass.

You literally sit still and shut off your brain. Or more pointedly, you’re letting your brain do what it does naturally (keeping you alive) without having to ruminate over it!

The benefits of actors, or any creative person, utilizing a daily meditation practice are overwhelming. For one, meditation helps increase your positive emotional output, which, according to one study, manifests as a wide range of personal resources (stronger purpose in life, better social support, decreased illness symptoms, and greater control over your emotions). If you suffer from chronic pain or anxiety, meditation can also be an effective part of your treatment plan.

If you need guidance, in addition to finding a local guru to take a class with, you can hop onto a number of apps with free introductory courses to ease you into your own practice. Check out Calm or HeadSpace; they’re awesome and easy to use.

If you love all things Oprah, of course she has a 21-Day Meditation Experience with Deepak Chopra, which offers tons of options you can purchase and participate in through your phone. Chopra also has a free app called Ananda – Infinite Abundance (iTunes and GooglePlay), where you can mix and match music and meditations.

Finally, good ol’ YouTube has plenty of meditations you can check out for free as well.

2) Get Out In Nature Often

Imagine your bare feet in the sand. Feel the earth shift and settle beneath your toes. Breathe in the fresh, salty air. Enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face. Listen to the waves crashing on the shore, and rock back and forth to their rhythm.

Pretty awesome, right?

Then it should come as no surprise that all that greenery and seascape is more than just a pretty face; contact with nature improves overall wellness and mental health too.

When we unplug our devices and get outside into nature, we experience a sense of calm and grounding you just can’t recreate artificially. Even a short walk on your lunch break or at the start of your day is a great way to silence the chatter in your brain and energize your body and foster your spiritual badassery.

3) Connect With Your Body Through Yoga

Yoga is a powerful exercise in spirituality. It literally is a spiritual practice on its own. Any activity that connects you to your breath and movement will have a positive impact on your health and wellness. 

And because it requires concentration, it will help calm your monkey mind so that when you’re back in that #actorlife grind, you can return focused and energized.

What I love best about these three strategies is that they are all interconnected. Meditation is a great outdoor activity. There are yoga classes that incorporate the five elements of nature into their poses. Yoga Nidra combines meditation and yoga into a practice you can even do in your sleep (seriously!).

No matter how you mix it up, maintaining a daily spiritual practice is the surest path to joy and becoming a spiritual badass.

We all have pure joy deep within us that gets buried under stress, drama and trauma. Like one of my favorite quotes says, it’s only when we’re very still that we start to uncover this joy. And having a spiritual practice is one of the easiest ways to invoke that stillness.

And it is from inner space, the unconditioned consciousness itself, that true happiness, the joy of Being, emanates. To be aware of little, quiet things, you need to be quiet inside. A high degree of alertness is required. Be still. Look. Listen. Be present.

– Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

I believe that life is meant to be good for us, so when you enjoy a daily connection to your spirit, you start to receive and embrace guidance from the Universe. In this busy, chaotic, confusing world, that extra insight into yourself and your purpose is so valuable. 

And it shows up in your acting too. It leads to easier decisions, stronger relationships and a happier, healthier life.

Which one of these spiritual strategies will you adopt this week? Do you already have a spiritual practice of your own? Let me know in the comments below!

LOVE + badass vibes!

Moniqua Plante

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A Real Food Devotee + Self Care Connoisseur + Jedi Mindset Master dedicated to helping you elevate your health, your life—and your career.

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