Top 3 Health Benefits of Reading (it’s Restorative!)

Mindset + Motivation

Did you know that reading can be restorative? Well, read on for the Top 3 health benefits of reading and why it is a restorative practice! At the end of a long, busy day, there is nothing I want more than to shut off my brain and relax. While I definitely rely on my bedtime ritual […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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Did you know that reading can be restorative? Well, read on for the Top 3 health benefits of reading and why it is a restorative practice!

At the end of a long, busy day, there is nothing I want more than to shut off my brain and relax. While I definitely rely on my bedtime ritual to help me unwind, I want to give a shout out to my favorite evening mindfulness activity — curling up with a good book.

Now, reading may seem elementary (no pun intended), but in our overstimulated, on-demand world — lots of friends and clients haven’t finished a full novel since high school.

According to a recent study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, leisure reading in the U.S. has “fallen by more than 30 percent since 2004,” and on average, Americans watch television almost 10 times as much as they read for fun. 

Let me set the record straight: the health benefits of reading are many, plus reading is sexy and stress-reducing!

It’s the perfect activity to end the day — powering down your brain and bringing balance to your body and emotions.

Here are 3 benefits of reading and why it is restorative!

Library of Learning 

If you have worked in an office environment, you know how important it is to have a mastery of words. From writing a cover letter to office memos to make-it-or-break-it emails and presentations, being able to communicate well is key. Studies have shown that reading develops and strengthens your vocabulary and language skills. It can also be linked with cognitive differences, such as abstract reasoning skills and memory

Plus, you continue to reap the benefits of reading long after you close the book: “The brains of readers show increased connectivity in the left temporal cortex—the region responsible for language receptivity—even hours after they’ve stopped reading.” It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

The Tao of the Blank Page

Just like meditation, every minute you’re engrossed in the latest bestseller is a minute you’re not on your phone, stressing about work or multitasking five things at once. Reading forces you to be present and focus, so your overworked brain can take a much-needed breather. A 2009 study found that 30 minutes of enjoying your favorite novel is as stress-reducing as taking a yoga class.

If you want to deepen the practice, consider these questions, including some from Yoon Im Kane, LCSW, CGP, founder and CEO of Mindful Psychotherapy Services in NYC:

How does the book feel in your grasp? How do the pages feel against your skin? If you’re reading on a Kindle, how bright is the light? Does the device feel heavy in your hand? Listen to the sound when you turn the page, is it rough, soothing, quiet, loud?

Take a deep breath, and dive into your next literary adventure. 


Why CEOs + Leaders Love To Read

Reading introduces you to new cultures, perspectives and social situations, and that exposure has positive effects on your ability to empathize. There is a ton of data showing that people who enjoy literary fiction possess higher emotional intelligence. This has a bearing on your self-awareness, motivation, how you manage your emotions, and your social skills. It also has massive benefits for your relationships and personal and professional success. 

So, whether you love a good mystery or you prefer dragons and castles, this solo activity can open the door to amazing connections and experiences once you’re back in the crowds.  

Do you cuddle up with the latest bestseller before bed? Or do you prefer to read on your lunch break to escape from a busy day? Let me know how and when you like to read, or better yet, post a pic of this mindful activity and tag @ThePlanteLife on Instagram!

LOVE + good reads!


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  1. I love that you mentioned how reading regularly helps reduce stress. In my opinion, it’s important that every now and then we read a book. It’s a healthy habit, and it has numerous benefits. Truth be told, it’s been a while since I last read a book, but your article motivated me to go right now and pick up a book. I really appreciate your information about the health benefits of reading.

    • Moniqua Plante says:

      I LOVE that you went and grabbed a book to read! It’s definitely a stress reliever and a way to take yourself on a new adventure 🙂

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