Activated Charcoal Benefits

Health & Wellness

This week, we’re digging down deep into nature and examining one of the elemental materials of life: carbon. Well, sort of. Get ready for a lesson in charcoal. The activated charcoal benefits to the skin are NUMEROUS. I’m not talking about the kind you get in your Christmas stocking if you’re naughty, or the nuggets […]



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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This week, we’re digging down deep into nature and examining one of the elemental materials of life: carbon. Well, sort of. Get ready for a lesson in charcoal. The activated charcoal benefits to the skin are NUMEROUS.

I’m not talking about the kind you get in your Christmas stocking if you’re naughty, or the nuggets you use in the BBQ grill. I’m talking about activated charcoal, which is basically regular black carbon that’s been exposed to a high heat (“namely burning materials like oak and coconut shells”) to increase its surface area, and therefore its absorption properties.

You’ve probably seen activated charcoal popping up everywhere – in smoothies, beauty products, even ice cream – but I bet you’ve got a lot of burning questions about its safety and how and why people are so obsessed over it.  

Never fear; I’ve got your covered! Here’s my breakdown on how to elevate your health and beauty routines with the activated power of charcoal.

First and foremost, is it safe? Yes.

Activated charcoal has been used medicinally since the 1900s (regular charcoal for centuries, blech), and it’s on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. Back at the turn of the last century, it was used mostly to treat poisoning, which kinda makes sense since it’s now often used to help remove toxicity in the body from a different type of sneaky culprit – our chemically laden environment and consumer products.

I have used it for years as an upset stomach soother, even when I’ve had food poisoning. It traps the toxins that shouldn’t be there and allows you to flush it out of your system. So, it can help reduce bloating, gas and diarrhea too.  


One of the most common ways people use activated charcoal is to drink it. There’s charcoal juice, charcoal lemonade, charcoal protein smoothies, charcoal water… pick your preference! And you can find it almost everywhere, from your local grocery store to specialty cold-pressed juice shops.

A couple of tips before you drink your fill: If you’re going to be eating a meal around the same time, I recommend consuming the charcoal beverage beforehand, not with or after. This way, it can work through your gut a little like a digestive enzyme to help prep your system to better absorb the nutrients it needs by clearing out the gunk.

It’s essential to make sure you’re drinking a lot of water as well. We’re talking 16 glasses of water a day, minimum, because it can cause dehydration.  As it binds with all the toxins in your body, you need to make sure you can flush them out of your system quickly and effectively.

And if the juice craze isn’t your thing, sample some charcoal ice cream. My favorite is at Kippy’s Ice Cream in Venice, CA, but don’t be surprised if your local experimental ice cream parlor is dabbling in the flavor profile!


Another way (which is new to me and I’m lovin’ it!) is for teeth whitening. If your teeth are discolored from coffee, tea, berries, wine, etc., activated charcoal helps pull the stains out of the enamel without using the harsh chemicals found in over-the-counter products. In addition to stains, it will also absorb bacteria in your mouth, doing its part to help prevent cavities, bad breath and gum disease.

You can purchase activated charcoal in a powder form. Put a little in your hand and dip your wet toothbrush in it. Then just lightly brush or dab, but make sure you’re over your sink because it can be messy! Not to mention, you’ll look a little silly for a few minutes. It can stain grout or certain basins too (but not your mouth, fyi), so be extra careful about spills. I use an activated charcoal toothpaste more regularly and only use the power when I’m in the shower.

This method (and oil pulling) are probably the cheapest natural alternatives to boost your dental health.


Externally, activated charcoal is great for skin inflammation and irritation, like acne. Open a capsule of activated charcoal, mix it with an aloe vera gel and apply it to your face as a mask or spot treatment. You can also use a carrier oil like coconut oil and double the benefits. You’ll have the oil’s antibacterial properties working their magic while the charcoal is drawing the toxins and dirt out of your pores.

You can also find plenty of cleansers and bar soap options, if you’d prefer the retail route.

You can use a capsule of activated charcoal and a carrier oil for bug bites and bee stings too. Dab the mixture on every 30 minutes to help lessen itching and pain. (Just wrap up the spots because, again, activated charcoal can stain clothes.)

If you have poor immune system function or a lot of allergic reactions, it could be due to all the pesticides in our food, chemicals in our water, and mold in our buildings. So, activated charcoal can be used in a digestive cleanse, and “by removing the toxins from your system, you can reduce joint pain, increase energy and increase mental function.” According to Dr. Axe, you can cleanse by taking 10 grams of activated charcoal 90 minutes prior to each meal, for two days, along with a healthy diet of organic, whole foods and plenty of H20.


Activated charcoal can also be used to improve your immediate environment. If you’ve ever owned a Brita water filter, you may have noticed those tiny black bits floating in the top of the jug… Yep, you guessed it; they were tiny specks of carbon. Brita’s filters use coconut-based activated carbon granules to reduce contaminants like chlorine, copper, and cadmium.

For a more compact, on-the-go option, check out charcoal water filter sticks, which you can drop into any reusable water bottle. They have a long lifespan and can even be used as a room or fridge deodorizer after their “expiration” date. I’m also a little obsessed with this small-but-chic natural air purifier from Japan, made from charcoal and clay.

Now I want to hear from you! Have you checked out the activated charcoal craze yet? What have you tried or been dying to test out? Or do you still have questions?

Let me know in the comments below.

LOVE + (char)kohl eyeliner!


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  1. Candice says:

    Hey Moniqua, I have tried activated charcoal on my teeth and it does work to whiten them. I have been meaning to get a new bottle of the pills and use them again. Didn’t know it could be used for digestion and bloating or for acne problems. Will have to try it. Do they have activated charcoal ice cream made with almond or coconut milk? I stay away from dairy. Also does it defeat the purpose to have it in a “junky food” like ice cream? Lol!!

    • Moniqua Plante says:

      Candice! I sent you an email on this subject, I hope it helped!!

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