3 Rituals To Inspire Serious Self-Love


With so many wellness options available, it’s easy to forget to slow down and simply appreciate your physical body and all it does for us.



A real food devotee, self-care connoisseur and Jedi mindset master dedicated to helping you have a body and life you love. I'm so glad you're here! Now, let's rock and roll :)

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How do you show your body a little TLC? With so many wellness options available, it’s easy to forget to slow down and simply appreciate your physical body and all it does for us.  That is why self-love rituals you can use on a daily basis are super important to your overall health. 

Like pretty much all of us, I’m sure you’re busy and don’t feel like you have a ton of time, so I have three simple practices that build on top of one another, which you can implement to help energize your morning and inspire your health habits. 

Dry Brushing: 

Dry brushing is a great way to start practicing physical self-love rituals, because it’s a little more utilitarian and less woo-woo. By lightly sweeping a brush over your dry skin in circular motions, you will slough away dead skin and stimulate the nerve endings, jumpstarting your nervous system. In turn, this boosts circulation and helps drain toxins from your body.  

Plus, it feels divine! 

I like to brush right before I take a shower in the morning, and I use a brush with a removable head like this one. It makes this ritual super simple, and honestly, it gets a little addictive because it’s quite an invigorating start to the day.

Begin at your feet and brush upwards towards your upper chest and heart. Here’s a simple video to show you how.  Dry brushing is an easy yet crazy effective way to show your skin some love while also detoxifying your lymphatic system. It’s a win-win. 

Mirror Gazing: 

This next self-love ritual, from the Founder of Thyroid Yoga® By Fern Olivia, Fern Olivia, is designed to help you get more comfortable with your body and recognize how powerful and precious it is. You were born to take up space, babe!

Stand or sit in front of a mirror, preferably naked, but if that is too scary, start off in your underwear. Look into your own eyes and tell yourself, “I see you. You’re beautiful. I love you.”

Then take a few minutes to talk about something you’re proud of that happened this week— maybe you had a stellar audition or helped out a friend. Perhaps you’re proud that you just showed up all week and didn’t quit. The goal is to connect your body to the actions it takes on your behalf. 

You can even have a naked dance party—in fact, I absolutely encourage it! 

Just keep the ritual going in front of the mirror for at least 10 minutes, and try to get a good streak (no pun intended!) going over the next 4 – 6 weeks to shake off all your inhibitions when it comes to appreciating your physical presence. 

Warm Towel Scrub: 

Here’s another way to deepen the mirror ritual, and I love to practice this at home regularly. 

You’re going to have to get all nuded up in front of the mirror this time! Wet a soft washcloth with very warm to hot water, and you can even add some essential oils if that’s your jam.  

Start at your feet and work your way up your legs in a circular motion towards your heart, similar to dry brushing. Do the same motion up your arms and over your abdomen. 

Throughout this beautiful self-love ritual, say aloud the mantra, “My body is beautiful, strong and healthy” (because it is!). And thank your amazing body for all it does for you!  

You can even specifically thank different body parts along the way, like your feet for carrying you through life, and your legs for standing strong, your heart for teaching you love and your arms for helping you hold people close. 

BONUS: Self-Love Ritual Bath

Once you’re ready to hop in the tub (or shower), don’t forget that the experience can also be transformed into an act of self-love. A bath is a real twofer — clearing both your physical and spiritual grime, and that is a powerful mental health elixir, my friends.

So if you have a little extra time to slow down your morning self care, here is your go-to starter guide for creating a powerful and personalized bathing ritual. 

My challenge for you this week is to give one of these self-love rituals a try, and then let me know how it went by posting in The Badass Beauty Club on Facebook.

LOVE + time well-spent!

Moniqua Plante

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A Real Food Devotee + Self Care Connoisseur + Jedi Mindset Master dedicated to helping you elevate your health, your life—and your career.

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© Moniqua Plante Wellness 2020